I grew up a dancer and never really went to the gym until college. I would occasionally do workouts on my own in high school to punish my...
Her Campus at JMU
The Best Group Ex Classes to Take at UREC
Her Campus at JMU
UREC Group Exercise Classes to Try This Semester
Group exercise classes are great for when you want to work out, but don’t feel like creating a plan or don’t even know where to start. I...
Her Campus at Utah
How the Utah Refugee Training & Education Center Offers New Beginnings
Refugees can get the education they need right here in Salt Lake City.
5 Must Try UREC Group Fitness Classes
Looking for a way to relieve midterm stress or want try a new workout? UREC group fitness classes are a great way to get your body moving, take time...
New year, new gym! Our beloved UREC has finished renovation on the much-anticipated expansion. Enjoy a workout in the new Fitness Center,...
Which UREC Class is Best for You?
You’ve been warned about the freshman fifteen, educated about eating well and exercising, and are up for the challenge of staying healthy...