In between amazing keynote speeches and breakout sessions at the Her Campus Mid-Atlantic InterCollegiette Conference hosted by Her Campus W...
London Times Fashion Show at the #HCICC2013
London Times Fashion: A Sponsor for the Mid-Atlantic InterCollegiette Conference!
We're pleased to announce one of our fabulous sponsors for the Her Campus Mid-Atlantic InterCollegiette Conference , London Times Fashion...
Her Campus Mid-Atlantic Conference Sponsor: Kickboard USA
The Her Campus Mid-Atlantic Intercollegiette Conference is pleased to announce another fantastic sponsor, Kickboard USA . They will be...
Her Campus Mid-Atlantic Conference Sponsor: USA Today College
As the official co-host of the Her Campus Mid-Atlantic Intercollegiate Conference , we're excited to present USA Today College as one of...
Her Campus Mid-Atlantic Conference Sponsor: Alex and Ani Buzz Cards Worth 10% Off
The Her Campus Mid-Atlantic Intercollegiette Conference is right around the corner and we're pleased to announce that all of our attendees...