On the 15th of October, Victoria Secret hosted their first fashion show in 6 years. After announcing their return in May, there was much anticipation around it with over...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.Victoria’s Secret ‘Angels’ are set to hit the runway again this year after the fashion...
The Victoria Secret Show is canceled… Why and what do we do now????
Victoria's Secret finally hires its first plus-size model, Ali Tate Cutler.
I can look like a Victoria Secret model, too, right?
Body Positivity Week: You may buy yours bras somewhere else after reading this.
Millions of eyes were glued to their TV screens as they watched the Victoria’s Secret Angel’s strut down the runway. With finals wrapping...
As I sat in Buffalo Wilds Wings scarfing down food, I watched the Victoria’s Secret models strut down the New York runway in lingerie and...
Collegiettes, who doesn’t love to wear plaid in the winter? Nothing says comfort like lounging in your plaid flannel pants while it’s...
Every November since about Grade 11, I’ve faced the same conundrum: can I be a feminist and still enjoy the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show...