Explore the rabbit hole of YouTube video essays with these recommendations.
With Halloween around the block, the search for spooky games begins! Lucky for you, I’ll be providing you a list of 5 spooky video games you should definitely play...
It seems like yesterday that every day was beastly hot and humid, but October is right around the corner. Temperatures are dropping, and gloomy weather is rolling in. Personally,...
Yes, it's just for kids, but is it?
Stardew Valley is all over our For You pages. Here's what the game is and why it's gotten so popular recently.
As many other sports’ ones, the eSports community is pretty much male dominated
“Pentiment” is a fun game about a Bavarian artist from Nuremberg in the 16th century. You go on an adventure and do various quests for the people you meet...
Pokémon, though? I love Pokémon! I get to travel the world without ever having to get in the driver’s seat! I get to live out my fantasy of having...
Video games have been marketed for men from the moment they were created. Being a woman in this space is hard, especially when a lot of the community has...
The “Dreamlit Paths” expansion for Legends of Runeterra (LoR) is officially live as of Wednesday, April 24th, and I’ve already started working my way through the new quests! Granted,...