Alternative title: In Honor of Women's Month, Walgreens Caves to "GOP extremists" on reproductive care.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rollins chapter.If you’re looking for beauty products on a budget, you know it’s almost impossible to...
Makeup is always fun to try and experiment with, but many high-end brands are expensive to keep repurchasing. There are many drugstore...
We all want to look glowy AF when the summertime comes around. With Bondi Sands self-tanners, you can achieve that golden look before you...
Makeup is too expensive to be a hobby, and frequent trips to Sephora will leave you about as broke as your college education. But I get it...
If you've strolled through Walgreens or Target lately in the beauty section, you've probably seen a pink and white brand called Soap &...
This is the best thing to happen to 2017 so far.
I have always been a huge fan of the drug store. While my favorite is CVS, I am also partial to Duane Reade and Walgreen’s. As a fashion...
You know what I love? Shopping for beauty products. Know what I love even more? Shopping for beauty products and getting rewarded for it...