Meet Junior Lizzie Brown , an English major who also happens to work for the Demon Deacon Football team, Sports Illustrated , and ESPNU!...
Imagine Her Campus, but with content centered exclusively on food. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Well, you’re in luck, collegiettes,...
For this week’s Campus Celeb, Her Campus sat down with Hope Peterson , a junior at Wake Forest University, who is officially an on-campus...
Adopt, don’t shop, collegiettes. When it comes to our furry friends, dogs and cats specifically, it can be tempting not to go straight to a...
To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month , Her Campus decided to sit down with OLAS member Alexandra Isabelle Peralta-Rapale ! Check...
You know you love at least two things, collegiettes: the Demon Deacons (duh) and food. Well the next time you head over to a soccer game at...