The matriarchy of whales and its relation to women.
Trying to find something positive in the news these past few months can feel near impossible, so our HCAU editors did it for you!
World Whale Day!! Every year, the third Saturday of the year is known as World Whale Day! On this day, people all across the globe...
The summertime will seem even brighter with these fun activities!
People rarely notice how much plastic is impacting the environment because we use it in our everyday lives. Children unpack their Christmas...
Nerd Talk Tuesday Featuring : “The Oldest Living Mammals” When it comes to crowning the oldest living mammal (or animal / plant in general...
Some things you should know about whale sharks.
Supporting organizations like the South Carolina Aquarium or Georgia Aquarium not only helps marine life but also environmental efforts around the world.
It may come as a surprise to you, but it's not whaling that is the biggest threat to our planet's whales anymore... The North Atlantic...