As students, we are all constantly working hard to achieve our goals, so why not support each other? These 5 black students are among some...
Her Campus at Drexel
5 Black Student Businesses to Support at Drexel
How to Make a Wig 101
For many African American women, wearing protective styles are essential for the protection of their hair. Protective styles are different...
Twitter Slang You Need to Know in 2018
Have you ever had a “wtf does that mean” moment while looking at Twitter? Well, no more!
I Donated My Hair Again—And I Think I Finally Got it Right
For the past few years, I’d been growing my hair long. The last time I cut off more than three inches at a time, I was a sophomore in...
New Weave, Who Dis?
Junior year has been the year of new possibilities and overall change. I want to experiment not only in my career field but in my personal...
Review of Bea Hairs Wig
Hello Beautiful people! Here we are yet again with another review! Today we’re going to look at my current hairstyle: an orange lace front...