It is important to take a step back and take in the hard work and dedication many went through to create a better life for the future generation of...
As 2024 comes to an end, let's reflect on the ways women have been unfairly treated throughout the year.
All over the world, in quiet corners of rooms, women are producing beautiful works of textile art, and yet their craftsmanship is widely overlooked. Providing connections across generations and...
I have always been assertive, but in high school especially, boys would take that as aggressive. And anytime in class when I would show any sign of confidence or...
Every morning, I open my phone to see yet another new headline of a woman being murdered, a girl being assaulted, or a man walking free from a rape...
Every woman should watch Woman of the Hour!
As so many of us have been getting into the spirit and spook of Halloween, Anna Kendrick’s directorial debut, Woman of the Hour vaults its viewers into a haunt...
Como as mulheres que participam ativamente de torcidas organizadas de futebol lidam com a pressão de um ambiente liderado e frequentado majoritariamente por homens