For those of you out there reading this that love writing I have a challenge for you. I little while ago I had a writing competition I...
When I was eight years old, I sat down at my juvenile desk — glitter markers in hand — and began to pen the greatest novel known to well…...
Day 9: My friendship with Olive (Yes, this is Alli/Melinda Shankar & Jenna/Jessica Tyler from Degrassi . Me & Olive don't have...
Day 8: Animal This animal takes away the lives of many. Vicious, unforgiving, and cold. Pale orange skin, wrinkled, folding over itself...
Day 7: Last night's dream* "Last night I was in a car, driving down a street. My car was sleek and shiny - been purchased days before. It...
Day 6: Outside the Window Outside the window, I see green leaves on healthy trees. Lawnmowers racing up and down the green lawns. Gnats...
Day 5: Dear 18-year-old me Dear 18-year-old me, Life.. is scary right now. You're breaking down, going through things. You've got "the love...
Day 4: Dear 14-year-old me Dear 14-year-old me, You're still alive. Still breathing. And no, it's not a mistake. I know you think life...
Day 3: Dear 7-year-old me Dear 7-year-old me, Did you know that it gets better? You will not spend your entire life taking care of your...
In case you missed my first article this is Day Two of a Twenty day writing challenge I am participating in. This will be a series of...