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Articles Tagged With: wustl
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5 Great WUSTL Study Spots to Try

With finals just around the corner, it can be refreshing to switch it up a little and try out some new study spots. Maybe the place you...

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WUSTL’s New Athletic Center

The new AC is finally here. I repeat: THE NEW AC IS FINALLY HERE. Not only does the Sumers Recreation Center mean more #fitness but it’s...

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Estrogym Classes That You Need to Try

OK, it’s getting to that point in the semester where classes are taking over your entire life and staying in shape is about as important as...

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Spring at WUSTL

via @joycevh via @abarrett92 There's nothing like Spring in STL. 75 degrees one day, 50 the next. Enjoy the 80 degree forecast tomorrow!

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Best Wash U Hotspots to Show Your Prefrosh

Trying to sell WashU to a prefrosh simply by telling them “omg it’s the best school ever” or “the people are just SO nice” doesn’t quite...

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Curtis Black (2017)

Have you been lucky enough to meet the suave Mr. Curtis Black? If not, you can find him diligently studying in the Jazz library or pumping...