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These Summer Solstice Journal Prompts Are Perfect For Reflection

The 2024 Summer Solstice is right around the corner, as on June 20th, the earth’s tilt toward the sun will be at its maximum, marking it as the “longest day” and “shortest night” of the year! And as the days grow longer (and hotter), more opportunities for self-reflection arise, especially considering how this cosmic event can hold spiritual significance for many.

The Summer Solstice is a time for change, growth, and rekindling that confident, fiery energy within us; it’s a chance to rejuvenate your soul and reconnect with yourself and others.

Also, if you’re into astrology, the Summer Solstice also marks the beginning of Cancer season (the best sign, BTW). From this perspective, the solstice can also be a time to reflect on our roots: our familial origins, what makes a “home,” and the exploration of our emotional facets. 

To help you tap into that vivacity and the emotional realms the Summer Solstice brings, I came up with some Summer Solstice journal prompts to get you started. Writing helps give shape to the thoughts and feelings that we may struggle to articulate aloud, and maybe through this process, you’ll discover something about yourself.

Here are six 2024 Summer Solstice journal prompts you can use to write and reflect.

Envision what success looks like to you. How do you intend to achieve it? 

The Summer Solstice is not only a time to reflect on your highest “peaks” this year, but to also imagine all the great things you’ll end up doing in the future! Setting goals for yourself is the first step toward success!

It’s time to move on. Write about something you’re having a hard time letting go. 

It’s always a challenge to let go of something that you have strong, emotional attachments to — even when it only burdens rather than uplifting you. Using this writing space as a moment of finality will help bring closure so that you can move on and look toward a brighter future! 

Sit in the sun for 5 minutes. What came to your mind during this moment of stillness?

Sunlight is proven to boost your mood, so why not go out and sunbathe a little? And while you’re at it, close your eyes, daydream, and allow your mind to wander. Spontaneous journaling can provide new insights about yourself that might surprise you! 

In what ways can you be more gentle with yourself?

The Summer Solstice is a time for growth and healing. Detailing the ways you can foster your own energy and maintain its glow will raise your self-esteem and alter your mindset into one that’s positive and confident! 

What aspect of your life do you wish to grow and cultivate? 

From relationships to personal endeavors to simple self-care routines, take a moment to look inside yourself and find which aspects of your identity you want to constantly improve and strengthen. From there, imagine how much more radiant your life will become! 

Write about a person you feel safe with. What about them makes them feel like home? 

Thinking about those we appreciate and love will help you tap into your emotional world and open yourself to vulnerability. If you want, you can even share this with the person you wrote about. It’s a great opportunity to strengthen your bond! 

Overall, Sun worship has always been prevalent within history — from the Aztecs to the Ancient Egyptians — and the Summer Solstice is a time for us to reflect on the sun’s power and its relationship to our own energies, passions, and creativity. This is your opportunity to harness this spark, and in turn, work toward self-improvement. 

Sofia is a third-year Writing & Literature major at UCSB. In her free time, she enjoys watching anime, playing video games, and drinking chai tea.