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End Your Situationship Over Text With These 25 Breakup Messages

All good things come to an end sometimes, as much as we think we don’t want them to. However, if you’ve been stuck in that fuzzy “What are we?” era for months, brainstorming some breakup texts for a situationship might just be the move you need to make. Seriously, it could be the best decision ever as you finally let go of the uncertainty and open up space for something better.

Situationships are basically the “it” thing these days, often more common today than a real relationship. You get to spill your secrets and share those late-night pizza runs, but when it comes to where you’re headed? Total mystery. Maybe they’re laser-focused on achieving their degree, hustling for that dream job, or still recovering from a previous relationship that left them a bit… well, dramatic. Whatever the excuse, bestie, you absolutely deserve way better than to be an emotional rebound.

So, if you’re ready to take charge of your love life and ditch the uncertainty, breaking up with your situationship is totally justified, especially before they start ghosting or breadcrumbing you along the way. Trust me, I’ve been there and felt guilty about breakup texts, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to reclaim your peace. If you’re leaning toward that breakup text to a situationship, check out these 25 breakup texts for a situationship to send them off in style.

Here’s how to break off a situationship over text:

  1. It’s the fact that I can’t take midterms and make this situationship work at the same time. Priorities, you know?
  2. Let’s finally make this official: I’m breaking up with our situationship.
  3. I can’t keep sharing my snacks with someone who doesn’t even take me to dinner.
  4. I’ve loved the moments we shared, but I think it’s time for us to focus on ourselves individually.
  5. Respectfully, let’s ghost each other!
  6. This isn’t a rom-com. It’s more of a comedy that I think we should just laugh off at this point.
  7. We were on a break! But now it’s permanent. Ross would understand.
  8. I’ve realized I can’t have both you and my sanity. It’s been real!
  9. My horoscope said to avoid bad energy.
  10. I’m all for exploring, but I think it’s time I explore the single life.
  11. I think we both know this isn’t going anywhere, and I’d rather end it on a good note.
  12. I’d say it’s not you, it’s me, but really, it’s both of us. Let’s call it a day!
  13. I can tell that we’re not all in this together anymore. I’m breaking free!
  14. I really care about you, but I think we really don’t care about whatever “this” is anymore.
  15. Time to hit the brakes on this ride! It’s getting a little too bumpy, and I’m starting to hate all of these forks in the road.
  1. I’m letting you go like Elsa in that song. Just don’t come back, okay?
  2. I think we should both swipe left on this situation and keep scrolling.
  3. I’ve been feeling lost in this situationship, and I think it’s best for both of us to discover something new.
  4. This isn’t The Notebook, and I’m not coming back for a rain-soaked kiss.
  5. I think we need to start seeing other people… like, literally anyone else.
  6. I’ve decided to stop pretending I’m OK with only seeing you on weekends.
  7. I’m ready! I’m ready! To move on — bye Squidward!
  8. I think we should stop meeting like this. It’s getting awkward!
  9. I think our vibe check just failed.
  10. I don’t think I burn for you anymore. Good luck finding the next diamond of the situationship season.

When you find yourself in an undefined situationship that’s lingered for months, sending that breakup text might be a step worth taking. If I had seen these texts during my last situationship, I might have saved myself a few months of awkward “What are we?” convos and could have completely avoided those late-night existential crises, wondering if they were living their best life without me. So, here’s to those bold breakup texts because if you’re going to go big or go home, it might as well go out with a bang.

Lily Brown

Emerson '25

Lily Brown is the Wellness Intern for Her Campus Media. She writes for the Culture, Style, and Wellness verticals on the site, including Beauty, Decor, Digital, Entertainment, Experiences, Fashion, Mental Health, and Sex + Relationships coverage. Beyond Her Campus, Lily is a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA, majoring in Journalism with a Publishing minor. She works as the Creative Director for the on-campus lifestyle publication, Your Magazine, where she establishes and curates the conceptual design and content for the entire publication ranging from style, romance, music, pop culture, personal identity, and college experiences. She has written and photographed for Your Mag along with several other on-campus magazines. Lily was recently recognized for her work on YM and awarded two EVVYs for Outstanding Print Publication. In her free time, Lily maybe spends a little too much time keeping a close eye on captivating red carpet and runway fashion, and binge-watching her favorite shows. She also enjoys expressing her thoughts through creative writing, exploring new destinations, and blasting Chappell Roan, Childish Gambino, Harry Styles, Sabrina Carpenter, and Sun Room on Spotify.