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The Pros & Cons Of Getting Out Of A Long-Term Relationship Before Summer

It’s clear how heartbroken fans are to hear the news that Harry Styles and Taylor have broken up. After their 14-month relationship, the split between the two is absolutely shocking. But could Styles and Russell’s decision have been intentional? While they may have hit some rocky trails during their trip to Japan, perhaps they didn’t want to keep driving and just wanted to get out of their long-term relationship before the summer.

Deciding to end a long-term relationship before the summer clearly has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, breaking up before the summer can provide a golden start for a summer of self-love filled with personal growth. On the other hand, ending a relationship can be emotionally taxing, and the initial weeks of adjustment can cast a shadow over the sunny season.

Ultimately, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons based on your personal situation and support network to make a decision that aligns with your well-being and future happiness. Whether you are enjoying the freedom of single life or finding your own rhythm in the process, take the summer to really discover your new direction.

Con: Loneliness

Summer is a season often associated with romance and fun, so it can amplify feelings of loneliness after a breakup. You might miss the companionship you once had or feel lonely as two ghosts, especially during a season filled with social activities and vacations with loved ones. However, don’t view this summer as the sign of the times. Remember that healing takes time, and it’s okay to feel a range of emotions during this transition period.

Pro: Finding Your Self-Love

Concentrate on yourself, bestie, because you’re about to experience that golden glow-up. Soak in the sun and get that vitamin C, because we see how awesome you are with your self-discovery. Being single can boost your self-esteem and rebuild your confidence just in time for summer. Focus on anything that helps you rediscover your passion, whether it’s a new hobby or even traveling.

Con: Social Pressure Via Social Media

I don’t know about you, but sometimes scrolling through Insta or TikTok and seeing all those happy couples can really take a toll on self-esteem. The portrayal of “perfect” summer romances on social media can magnify feelings of sadness and regret. But don’t worry, darling — this can still be the summer where you can redefine what summer means to you socially.

Pro: Expanding Your Social Circles

Summer is the best chance to not only connect with new friends but also hang out with your (Harry-loving) homies. It’s a social season filled with events, festivals, and outdoor activities that make meeting more people easier. You can also spend more time with friends and strengthen your social network.

Con: Challenging Adjustment Period

Breaking up can lead to a period of emotional instability and stress, making it hard to enjoy the summer before it’s even started. It’s not always possible for things to be as it was, especially when specific events, places, or songs remind you of your ex. While it can sometimes trigger sadness, the nostalgia might help with moving on.

Pro: Center Your Focus Elsewhere

Returning to your hometown job or securing that summer internship might just be the best distraction from heartache. Additionally, summer activities and vacations can make the transition less painful. The generally upbeat and positive vibes of summer can aid in a swifter emotional recovery and maybe even pump out some more pop music (please Harry, I’m begging you to release some new tunes).

Although breaking up with your long-term partner might be challenging, it’s important to focus on your long-term well-being and growth these summer months. So, as you navigate through the warmer weather ahead, seize the opportunity for personal development and new experiences can lead to immense growth and happiness in the long run.

Lily Brown

Emerson '25

Lily Brown is the Wellness Intern for Her Campus Media. She writes for the Culture, Style, and Wellness verticals on the site, including Beauty, Decor, Digital, Entertainment, Experiences, Fashion, Mental Health, and Sex + Relationships coverage. Beyond Her Campus, Lily is a rising senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA, majoring in Journalism with a Publishing minor. She works as the Creative Director for the on-campus lifestyle publication, Your Magazine, where she establishes and curates the conceptual design and content for the entire publication ranging from style, romance, music, pop culture, personal identity, and college experiences. She has written and photographed for Your Mag along with several other on-campus magazines. Lily was recently recognized for her work on YM and awarded two EVVYs for Outstanding Print Publication. In her free time, Lily maybe spends a little too much time keeping a close eye on captivating red carpet and runway fashion, and binge-watching her favorite shows. She also enjoys expressing her thoughts through creative writing, exploring new destinations, and blasting ABBA, Dua Lipa, Harry Styles, and Lady Gaga on Spotify. Additionally, she actively contributes to fostering a sense of community among college residents as a dedicated Residential Assistant.