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7 Halloween Weekend Safety Tips To Remember On College Campuses

Whether you’re planning on going to a house party, a frat, bar hopping, or just walking around town at night with some friends, we’re all going to be in our safety era this Halloween. College partying culture can be spooky enough on any other day of the year, but Halloween is a whole different vibe. My anxiety allows me to think up the worst-case scenario in every situation possible, so I’ve probably come up with an escape plan for my group and myself before I’ve even left the house.

Of course, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with staying in! But for those of you planning on braving a college Halloween function, it’s good to have some safety tips up your sleeve. Because there’s nothing spookier than a nasty frat basement (and the ever-present threat of “frat flu”).

1. Pace Yourself

If you will be drinking, it’s very easy to get in over your head, especially in a group. For this reason, You’ve got to know your limits! Alcohol can be tricky: One minute you’re having a great time and the next you’re hit with the spins. Knowing how to party safely is a must. 

There’s also a very serious problem with binge drinking in college. It’s been completely normalized, and it’s scarily easy to fall into. It’s not lame to decline a drink whenever you aren’t feeling it. If anyone is pressuring you into drinking, then it’s a sign that they aren’t someone you should be surrounding yourself with. When you find a group that you’re comfortable with and you take it slow with the drinks, the night will be way more enjoyable for everyone!

2. Pack The Pepper Spray

Halloween is the perfect time to break in your new pepper spray. If you get any side-eyes from people, just make an excuse. You can say, “it’s just part of my costume!” Or is it (wink)? There are tons of ways to incorporate it into your costume. Pepper spray is small enough that you can keep it in your purse, loop it through a belt buckle, or even tuck it into your garter! Just make sure it’s in a place that’s easily accessible. I personally love my pink sparkly pepper spray. It’s nothing to be ashamed of! Just make sure you’ve got it pointed in the right direction if you end up using it. 

3. Share Your Location

If you’re going out with a group, have everyone share their locations on FindMyFriends, or another legit tracking app that works for you. In case of an emergency where you can’t answer the phone, they’ll be able to track you down and get you help. Stay in well-lit and well-populated areas, and if you find yourself lost, most college campuses in America will have some form of campus police or security that can give you a ride or walk you back home. Having their number saved in your phone can be super helpful in case of emergencies. 

4. Hands Stay Over The Drink (And Say No to the Jungle Juice!)

I always recommend bringing your own water bottle or tumbler if you’re going to be drinking. Whenever possible, stick to unopened or canned drinks. They’re so much easier to keep track of, and you do not want to drink out of somebody else’s cup (hello, global pandemic!). If you’re ordering a drink at a bar, watch the bartender make it. Don’t take a drink that a stranger gives you, and don’t leave your drink unattended either. 

While we’re here, let’s take a moment to touch on the jungle juice: I don’t even want to know what’s swimming around in there. If men are still using 3-in-1, what makes you think they’re cleaning those basins? Stay far away from it, and keep your friends away too. Especially if there’s a “girls only” sign on them… Immediately no.

5. Get Crafty With Code Words

Get creative! Code words are such a fun way to keep the group safe and together in one place. My friends and I are obsessed with Love Island, and we use their slang as code words/phrases when we’re out! For example, when I hear “I’m sloshed mate,” I know it’s time to go. It can also take the awkwardness out of asking one of your friends to leave early with you, which is always a good thing.

6. Always Travel in Groups

So what happens when you see the rest of your friend group having a good time but you want to head back? I know it’s tough, but we all have to look out for each other. Do not go anywhere by yourself. Chances are if you ask a friend to leave with you, they’ll be completely understanding. And if they’re not, that’s a friendship red flag to consider. If you see someone from your group leaving with someone you don’t know, approach them! Even if you do know the person they’re with, ask questions. Don’t be afraid to be annoying and clingy, because you’re being safe, too! Halloween is the party night of the year in college. There’s so much going on and it’s easy to get wrapped up in the chaos and lose your group. 

7. Listen to Your Gut

At the end of the day, you know yourself best. That gut feeling that something is wrong or you shouldn’t be somewhere – listen to it! Intuition is so real. It’s not lame to go home early, and it’s not lame to acknowledge that you’re uncomfortable and you want out of a situation. Because most of the time, that gut feeling is right! Let it serve you.

Halloween is one of the best nights of the year, especially in college. It feels so good to blow off some steam, see everyone’s fun costumes, and just have a great night with your friends! I guarantee that you’ll still have fun, even when you follow a few safety tips. Don’t let the group mom do all the heavy lifting, we’ve all got to take care of each other!

Julia is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh studying Media and Professional Communications with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies. She loves to go thrifting, grab a coffee with friends, and go on walks with her dog!