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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Debunking Common Collegiette Weight Loss Concerns

Hello collegiettes! How is everyone doing? Chilling at the beach? Or drudging through the mid-week lull in your internship? Yeah, same here. As the “Lose the Freshman 15” program nears its end, I’ve been thinking about how I’ve changed, benefitted, and what I learned during this program. One of the things that stuck in my mind was how happy I was to be selected for this program, because it finally gave me the kick in the pants I needed to really commit to losing weight and ditching my super-unhealthy habits.

That got me thinking, there are probably quite a few collegiettes out there who want to embark on a healthier lifestyle and lose weight, but have certain issues they’re concerned about that stand in the way. Here is a list of all the things that stopped me from truly committing to losing weight before I joined the “Lose the Freshman 15” program, and hopefully I’ve satisfactorily debunked most of them for you guys.

“I love food too much to diet”: Yes, fried food / candy / desserts taste amazing, but you want to know what else tastes amazing? The thousands of low-calorie/low-fat recipes available in tons of cookbooks, Pinterest, and SELF Magazine’s website that will have you drooling in 2 seconds.

“I don’t have the time to exercise”: If you work out for 1, 2 hours max in the gym, think about it this way: that is only 8.3% of your day. You can’t give up 1-2 hours of social media time to do something with countless benefits? Come on now!

“My body will hate me”: When I played volleyball in High School, my body ached all over during the first few weeks of practices and I was definitely not looking forward to that happening again. Luckily I didn’t feel that strained, and you’ll feel stronger and more fit, with a higher endurance if you just stick to your workout schedule and diet.

“I already look fine”: Honestly, you probably do. But do you FEEL fine? Do you FEEL happy with yourself when you eat the sugar-bomb Frappuccino for the 2nd time this week, when you eat a huge meal and feel the sense of heavy guilt wash over you, or the jealousy that bubbles when you see fit, healthy people jogging on the sidewalk? If the answer is No, then today is the day to change all of that.

“People will think I’m anorexic”: Maybe, but 1. Who really cares what other people think, and 2. When you start losing weight, your friends will say you look great and ask for you to be their food guru.

“I’ll lose my curves”: YOUR BOOBS WILL NOT GET SMALLER. I mean, maybe if you were obese and lost 50-100 pounds, but this is the Freshman 15 we’re talking about. The weight will come off mainly around your midsection, with differences elsewhere, but your boobs will stay relatively the same.

ONE MORE WEEK LEFT! So sad this program is coming to an end. Don’t forget to follow Dietbet Round 2 and the Drop10 Diet, and follow my Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Until next time, bye guys!

With love,

Nicole E


student at the University of Michigan, native New Yorker and downtown nyc / pop culture enthusiast. One of the 7 Her Campus + SELF Magazine "Lose the Freshman 15" bloggers!