Hey collegiettes!
Before we get started I want to take the time to introduce myself. I’m Lindsey Murray, a sophomore magazine journalism major at Temple University. All my life my weight has been an issue. From being dangerously overweight as a child to starving myself to fit into my prom dress senior year of high school, I’ve never made an effort to be healthy. All of which is totally ironic given that I am the Health and Fitness of Temple University’s Her Campus branch AND blog for Philadelphia Magazine’s Be Well Philly Blog. See, I’ve always thought that if I wrote about being healthy long enough that it would eventually just magically happen, but it hasn’t exactly worked out that way.
In fact, going into college my wellness took a turn for the worse. I started out pretty happy with my weight at 117 lbs., but all those skipped trips to the gym and late night pizza started to add up and before I knew it I was the typical college student that everyone warned me about. Clocking in at 132 I had gained the freshman 15.
So now it’s time for a change. With the help of Her Campus and Self Magazine I, Lindsey Murray, am ready to shed some pounds. Self Magazine has created a seriously awesome Drop10 diet that I will be following for the next 10 weeks. (Ladies. You are allowed to have Starbucks on their plan. It doesn’t get better than that.) and I hope you guys join me!
Not to mention I’ll be participating in the Freshman 15 Diet Bet game and you can too! Here’s the deal: You just sign up at www.dietbet.com/freshman15 and put a minimum of $20 in the pot. Then you have 4 weeks to lose 4% of your body weight. At the end of that time whoever has lost the weight is a winner and gets to split the pot. So you’re basically getting paid to lose weight. Pretty sweet, right?
The best part of all is that we’ll all be in this together because there’s no better way to embrace a new healthy lifestyle than with an awesome support system. Together we can figure out how to make some healthy (and yummy!) smoothies and jam out with some awesome self-created Zumba moves to JT’s Suit and Tie. So here’s to losing the freshman 15 and welcoming this bikini season with confidence! Who’s with me, ladies?!
Be sure to follow my progress on social media too!
Twitter: @lindsmurr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lindsey.murray2
Instagram: @lmurray5
Pinterest: lindsmurr