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Lose the Freshman 15: This one’s for the “girls” (and other excuses)

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It’s not that I don’t like exercise. In fact, I played soccer for about nine years before attending a high school that was an hour bus ride away. I actually love exercise, but  we all have our reason as to why we don’t fit it into our schedules like we know we should.

For me, my main exercise deterrent: big busts get in the way.

I’ve always been a bigger-chested girl since I wore my first bra at age 9. But unless you have the right equipment strapping down the girls, any woman a C cup or larger will tell you, it can be a tad big aggravating to get through a workout while worrying if you’ll get slapped in the chin or not by a runaway DD.

But today, I found an exercising savior. New Balance sent me the coolest sports bra I’ve ever seen in my life: the Bonita Run Bra. It’s adjustable in the straps and on the sides—and the adjustments DO NOT move when you work out like with other bras. What a concept, right? I’m glad the people at New Balance know what girls like me have to deal with.

The true test really was this workout. After all, I popped in Jillian Michaels’ DVD “Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.” Jillian Michaels  is known for being rigorous, but to me, she’s more known for jumping during her workouts.

Why do I notice the jumping? Why do you think I notice the jumping? Without a good bra, there’s more than Photo122just me jumping if you know what I’m saying.

But thanks to New Balance, for the first time in my life, I didn’t thinking about how much my back hurt with each jump. I just focused on the actual workout. And you know what? I really feel like I got so much more out of it just because I was wearing gear that fit better than what I owned. Honestly, my workout tonight was probably the first one in a long while that I was not self-conscious of the girls.

But let’s be honest with ourselves. There are a multitude of reasons why many of us conveniently forget to squeeze in our cardio. Another one for me would be how busy I am. I work two part time jobs, plus a full load of classes, PLUS just plain living life.

I am a busy bee. So much so that often I average 4 hours of sleep a night during a school week (awful, I know).

And now with cooking meals for myself regularly with the Jump Start Diet, time can be tough. Last week I talked about how making plans for the week helps, but what about a plan B? Tonight I finally discovered one.

The Jump Start Diet tries to make options for you when you’re in a hurry so you’re not always slaving over a hot stove. Today I finally tried Kashi’s Black Bean Mango frozen dinner and I must say, it was DELICIOUS and satisfying—two things that are must in my book when it comes to mealtime.  The quick dinner fix plus the energy it gave me really set me up to enjoy a vigorous evening workout with my pal, Jillian.

So regardless for what your excuse is for not working out, isn’t it time we all take action and fix our problems? Whether it’s not having the right gear or enough time or some other reason, working out does not have to be a burden. It can really become a highlight to your day. I love me some endorphins.

What is your struggle with fitting in a workout? Email me at NikkiRoberti@Hercampus.com or tweet me anytime @Nikki_Roberti!

Nikki is a senior at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC majoring in journalism. Obsessed with all things magazines, she hopes to one day be a health editor for a publication in New York. She interned at Parents magazine through ASME and also reported on the hill in D.C. through the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire semester in Washington program. Currently, she is the Health Editor for Jaye Magazine and runs the health-meets-wedding planning blog, The Bloated Bride.