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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Saying Yes


Well hello!


Day 3, and I’m afraid I’m already deviating from the path. But it’s like I said yesterday—it’s all about adaptability. I live in a dorm, but I live right next to my sorority chapter house. When I decided to try out SELF’s Jump Start’s yoga toners, I knew I didn’t want to stay in my room (too small) or go to the gym (I wanted to follow along with Jillian’s form on my computer). So, I headed over to the house and settled by the TV in the cozy basement. Luckily it was deserted, so I started working my way through the moves, feeling my muscles shake but knowing that meant they were working.


Well, if you’ve ever been in a sorority house, you can see this one coming… I was not alone for long. As people filtered in and out, they stopped to see what I was doing, to chat, to tell stories about fitness DVDs they’d attempted down in this basement in the past. Before I knew what was happening, I had agreed to test out someone’s Zumba DVD and soon enough I was shaking my hips like a true non-dancer (i.e. awkwardly and with no sign of grace). But it was so much fun! I felt a little bad about abandoning my very first attempt at yoga after 4 rotations (when it calls for 5) but now, a few hours and a hot shower later, I can feel the soreness all over my body so trust me, I don’t feel too bad.


I’d always shied away from zumba (a lot of friends in high school liked it) because I knew I’d look like a fool. In fact, it took me months of dieting to feel confident enough to even work out in a gym. I always worried I was too big and too out-of-shape to move like that. But it’s funny how things have changed. I did not suddenly become more dance-inclined… I know I looked silly this afternoon. But today, I felt good knowing that everyone else would look crazy too. My friends Jill and Tori were right there with me laughing as we tried to follow along with the crazy zumba man on the screen. I hadn’t intended to do a cardio routine today, but sometimes saying yes when you would have said no just turns your whole attitude around.

Now, I’ve got to go rest up. Another “yes” for me this week was deciding to run a 5k tomorrow! Wish me luck… and follow me, leave me comments, and keep on reading the Lose the Freshman 15 blogs on Her Campus!