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“But it’s vacation!”
That always seems to be the excuse people say to justify not eating healthy. Every time I’ve ever hesitated about a food choice during this fun and relaxing period of time, people often feed me this line too. It’s like by getting other people to eat unhealthy, it also justifies them eating unhealthy too.
But not this time. Nope. I’m approaching spring break with a few tricks up my sleeve. I’m keeping to SELF’S Jump Start Diet and reading their motivational emails daily to get through the break while still dropping poundage.
As I write this, I’m using my secret weapon. It takes away cravings for food without filling you up. It satisfies your sweet tooth without sugar or barely any calories. AND it fits perfectly in your pocket.
That’s right. I’m talking about sugar free chewing gum.
It’s my go-to when I’m feeling particularly annoyed by my cravings for something I don’t need—like ice cream. And boy, did I want ice cream today.
My first part of my spring break traveling was driving to a friend’s house with my brother where we’re keeping his car after we fly to Florida for the week. At one point, we pulled over for directions and my brother parked right in front of my all-time favorite treat spot—Dairy Queen.
It was painful to sit there and stare at the pictures of blizzards. It’s a road trip tradition to grab one when we’re driving. But nope, I was strong.
In fact, the sugar free gum I’m chewing is mint chocolate chip ice cream flavored. Perfect for those times where you really do just want to get rid of a craving you can tell is purely psychological and not even hunger driven.
I’m not alone in this craving-controlling trick either. SELF contributor Erin Hobday wrote about using this tactic a couple of years ago. She mentioned a study that found gum chewers to consume less calories in the afternoon when munchies are at its worst.
Hopefully the same results will happen to me over spring break. I mean, my will power is pretty good and I know my family is supportive of this journey, but cravings will be cravings. But this time, I won’t take a vacation from my health.
What are you doing over spring break to fight temptation? Email me at or tweet me any time @Nikki_Roberti. And don’t forget to sign up for SELF’s Jump Start Diet for free!
P.S. Sorry for no video today! With traveling it was a bit difficult. But don’t worry! I’m working on a great one for tomorrow.