If your FYP is anything like mine, it’s been full of users talking about “low vibrational” things that they’ve eliminated from their lives. And if you’re anything like me, you may have been wondering what does “low vibrational” even mean?
The viral trend was originally created by TikTok creator Alex Schin (@alexschinblogs). Her first video on the topic has already amassed 4 million views and counting.
Over the last week, other TikTok creators have also started adding their own takes on “low vibe” things that need to go. Among them are popular influencers like Carly Weinstein, Rebecca Leigh, and Serena Kerrigan.
What does it mean if something is “low vibe?”
The idea behind “vibration” is that everything in the universe is made up of energy. This energy vibrates at a certain frequency. In short, things that are considered “low vibration” reflect negative energy. Anything that does not serve you could be considered low vibe. In the process of cutting out anything low vibe, we’re actively making space for other things that will raise our vibration.
Your vibration is important because it has an impact on how successful you may be with manifestation, particularly with the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the idea that you get back the same energy that you’re putting out into the universe. So if you’re at a high vibration, you’re attracting that same energy back into your life, and vice versa. So if you want to attract high-vibrational things into your life, then you need to be at a high vibration yourself.
What are some low vibrational habits?
Whether it’s big or small, eliminating some of these low-vibe things may help you to raise your own vibration and successfully manifest your goals. If you do any of these things on a regular basis, it’s totally OK! There’s no need to beat yourself up about it (because being mean to yourself is also low vibe, bestie). This trend is really just allowing us to be more mindful of the habits that we have and how they might be affecting our vibration.
- Unfulfilling friendships.
They need to go. TikTok creator Serena Kerrigan says that cutting off people who don’t make you feel good is completely acceptable (and encouraged!). If you’re surrounding yourself with people who are constantly gossiping or who don’t root for your success, they need to be cut off. It may seem harsh, but if a friendship isn’t serving you, you’re under no obligation to stay in it. We may automatically think about the ways that we lower our own vibration, but the energy that you surround yourself with makes all the difference too.
- Constantly watching the news.
Many creators, including TikToker @taneamariee, have said that they stopped watching the news. Now I cannot state this enough – it is so important to stay informed on what’s happening in the world! I’m definitely not saying that you should completely eliminate watching the news, but it may be helpful to tap into how it makes you feel. A lot of the stories on the news are extremely negative and scary, so it can really set us on edge. I would recommend listening to a current events podcast to help you stay informed without filling you with complete anxiety.
- Instagram/TikTok filters.
It may seem like a small thing, but chronically using filters on social media can easily warp our perceptions of ourselves (hello, body dysmorphia!). TikTok creator Kate Bartlett talks about her experience with filters, saying that she cut them out years ago. I’ve found that completely eliminating filters from my own life has allowed me to become more comfortable with how I look.Â
- Overshopping.
Guilty. We all know that social media has promoted an insane level of overconsumption. Influencers play a huge role in promoting an absurd amount of products and brands to their audiences. There’s been more awareness spreading about this issue, and a new trend of de-influencing has taken off recently. Shopping to fill a void (calling myself out RN) is low vibe.
- Watching TV shows or movies that trigger you.
I respect all of the girlies who love a good horror movie, but I just know that it’ll never be me. TikTok creator Carly Weinstein talks about how she has stopped watching triggering shows and movies. These could be shows that have a lot of violence or other triggering themes. Normalize watching PG-13 movies.
- Sad music.
As a huge Lana Del Rey fan, this one was tough. But TikTok user @nia.papayaa says it might be time to limit the sad music that you’re listening to. Don’t get me wrong, it’s so important to embrace all of your emotions when you’re feeling sad. But I find that when I’m seeking out this kind of music, it has a huge impact on my mood. Opting for more upbeat and high-vibe music could be beneficial in the long run.Â
- Following negative people.
For the longest time, I refused to unfollow people on social media who I just didn’t vibe with – even people from high school who I have zero contact with now. I wouldn’t even block famous influencers who would trigger me. But it’s time to clear them out and actively engage with users who make you feel good.
- Push notifications.
Another seemingly small thing that makes a huge difference. My weekly screen time report sends me into a spiral, and I know that the time on my phone is always increased by my push notifications. TikToker Alex Schin talks about the sense of urgency that these notifications create. Turning off unnecessary notifications could help you finally disconnect and relax.
- Overcaffeinating.
I write this as if I’m not sipping on my second cold brew of the day. Alex Schin also talked about her experience with drinking huge coffees every day. Like so many other Gen Zers, I’m also such a beverage girlie. If it brings you joy, maybe think about switching to decaf every now and then. If you’re not drinking enough water or eating enough food along with the caffeine, it can really throw your body off and lower your vibration.
- Self-deprecating comments.
Talking negatively about yourself is just as low vibe as gossiping about others. When you make fun of yourself or your insecurities, you’re speaking these things into existence. TikTok creator Rebecca Leigh talks about how these self-deprecating “jokes” are reaffirmed when you say them out loud.Â
- People pleasing.
TikToker Carly Weinstein also talks about how she has always been a “yes” person, and I couldn’t relate more. FOMO is so real, and I often find myself saying yes to certain things even though I know that I don’t want to do them. This just leaves me dreading things that I committed to, which isn’t very high vibe of me, TBH.Â