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The Internet’s Newest Wellness Trend Is Putting Castor Oil In Your… Belly Button?

It seems as if every week the internet has a new wellness trend to hop on. Recently, there has been a rise of wellness enthusiasts who swear by massaging castor oil into their belly button. (Yes, seriously — the internet wants you to put castor oil in your belly button.) These influencers claim that the oil helps them debloat and sleep better — but is this trend worth a try? 

Now, the practice of putting castor oil in your belly button — also known as navel pulling — predates TikTok as it has been done in many ancient cultures. “Navel pulling, also known as navel manipulations, is traditionally done in diverse cultures by subtly pulling or massaging the region around the belly button,” Mariia Chabdaieva, a Health Expert and CEO at Beauty by Experts Medical, tells Her Campus “It was believed to stimulate all the digestive organs, improve the circulation of the blood, and generally contribute to good health. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, hence may reduce bloating discomfort.”  

However, in Western medicine, there’s no evidence that shows that castor oil applied topically has any anti-inflammatory effects:  The only approved use of castor oil for health reasons by the US Food and Drug Administration is to ingest the oil orally for constipation relief. “Scientifically, studies concerning the effectiveness of castor oil being applied topically in this way are not available,” says Chabdaieva. “Meanwhile, some testified that it helps in subjective improvements; hence, additional studies are still warranted to confirm its efficacy for debloating.”

While there’s no scientific proof that putting castor oil in your belly button helps with digestion and bloating, the risks of doing so are pretty low. (It’s best to do a patch test and consult a healthcare expert if you have certain health conditions or concerns or are unsure if you’re allergic to castor oil.) But, if you want to try this trend for yourself, Chabdaieva says to “apply a thin layer, and a small amount, of castor oil over the navel area” before going to bed.

Though, it’s important to note that there are other ways to improve digestion that are backed by science. “Increasing the intake of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps regulate bowel movements and avert constipation,” Chabdaieva says. “Hydration through plenty of water intake is also essential to digestive health. Other habits that may help contribute to a healthy digestive system include eating with awareness, exercising regularly, and consuming probiotics through fermented foods. By putting these practices in place, one can ensure better digestion and overall health.” The more you know!

Hollie David is a nursing student who graduated from Central Connecticut State University in May 2024. She has a passion for writing especially about women's health, mental health and feminist issues. She's been published in multiple nursing magazines from Nursing made Incredibly Easy to Imprint. She was also a staff writer for The Recorder. In Hollie's free time she loves to read, watch true crime documentaries and attend dance classes.