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Support Queer Mental Health By Putting These Nonprofits On Your Radar

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Mental Health Awareness Month takes place each May every year. This month is viewed as an opportunity to bring attention to mental health issues, as well as ending the stigma and opening up the conversation surrounding mental health. However, in 2024, mental health is something that is still sensitive to many groups, including the LGBTQ+ community. So, think of Mental Health Awareness Month as a time to give to resources that empower folks to take control of their mental health, including nonprofits that give to LGBTQ+ mental health. 

Mental health challenges impact many folks in the LGBTQ+ community, as queer individuals are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation compared to heterosexual individuals. Since the LGBTQ+ community suffers from enough scrutiny, with anti-LGBTQ+ bills becoming more and more common throughout the United States, hiding their true emotions and feelings from the world can cause serious effects on their mental health.

As with anyone else, members of the LGBTQ+ community should also be treated with the utmost respect and be given the same resources when it comes to managing their mental health. Luckily enough, there are nonprofits that are dedicated to queer mental health, and provide resources for LGBTQ+ folks to explore, find help for, and manage their mental health.

The Trevor Project

Founded in 1998, The Trevor Project is dedicated to suicide prevention among LGBTQ+ youth and provides resources for parents and educators to secure a safe and inclusive environment for queer youth. The organization provides a 24/7 crisis support service, which is composed of trained counselors. On its website, there’s a “resource center” section that features many articles ranging from sexual orientation and mental health resources. As always, you can donate and let your advocacy be known.


Founded in 1985, GLAAD has been universally known for their committed focus on LGBTQ+ advocacy and inclusive representation. The organization is always striving to increase efforts on queer acceptance and it has been proven in their Protect this Kid campaign and their advocacy for trans athletes. There are many ways to donate, as you can visit their website and explore the many options to do so. 


PFLAG is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help friends and family of queer individuals accept them for who they are. The organization was founded in 1973 by Jeanne Manford, who was the mother of a gay activist. Considered the nation’s largest organization in LGBTQ+ advocacy, it also raises efforts to increase the support and education for queer individuals and their families. PFLAG provides many resources for those who are struggling to support the LGBTQ+ community, as well as providing ways to get involved. With over 400 chapters in the United States, the advocacy of PFLAG lives on to succeed in learning to love your LGBTQ+ loved one.

Family Acceptance Project

Similar to PFLAG, the Family Acceptance Project is a research and education initiative that helps prevent and decrease mental health issues among LGBTQ+ youth. It also strives to help build bonds among families of queer individuals and successful futures along the way. The Family Acceptance Program is part of San Francisco State University, and it uses research methods in its case studies and surveys to gain a better understanding of family’s reactions to their LGBTQ+ loved ones and how it affects their mental health and well-being.

Human Rights Campaign

Founded in 1980, the Human Rights Campaign is an American LGBTQ+ advocacy group that focuses on protecting the rights of queer individuals, as well as advocating for same-sex marriage and HIV/AIDS research. On its website, there are many resources that range from college to elections to sexual health.

The LGBTQ+ community has come a long way in fighting for their rights and standing their ground as human beings. It’s important for the community to receive the same amount of support and love when it comes to dealing with their mental health issues, as well. 

If you or someone you know is seeking help for LGBTQ+ mental health or safety concerns, call The Trevor Project‘s 24/7 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386). You can also reach out for instant message or text message support via TrevorChat and TrevorText, respectively. For additional resources for trans people, call the Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860. In an emergency, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911.

Makalah Wright is the Campus Correspondent at Her Campus at UWG chapter. For the chapter, she has written personal essays about real-life experiences and she encourages readers to take inspiration or learn from it. Beyond her position as the CC, she is also a national writer for the wellness section of the website. So far, she has written articles based on mental health, relationships, and other wellness-related topics. Currently, she is the fall 2024 entertainment and culture intern for Her Campus. She is a senior at the University of West Georgia, studying in public relations with a minor in music. After her undergrad, she plans to get a masters in public relations and work within the media industry. She also hopes to create her own foundation that will help with funding for the performing arts in schools. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with loved ones, shopping, traveling to new places, and drinking iced coffee. She also enjoys playing the clarinet and listening to all types of music, specifically jazz.