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How The October Partial Solar Eclipse Will Impact You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Mark your astrological calendars, besties — the partial solar eclipse is just around the corner. And while you might remember an eclipse as an excuse to go outside and wear funny glasses, the upcoming eclipse can have a big impact on your life. Trust me, you’re going to want to hear all about it. 

Eclipses in astrology, historically, are moments of great changes. They can be turning points that bring about self-realization, so it might have a positive outcome in your life… or they can lead to difficulties. That’s why it’s important to know how the partial solar eclipse can impact you, not only during its passing, but in the several months that follow. So, mark your calendar on Oct. 25 from 2:28 p.m. EST to 6:32 p.m. and check out how this cosmic event can impact you, based on your sign. 


It’s all about financial opportunities during this period, Aries. Change (literally and metaphorically) will come to your piggy bank and you have nothing to worry about since it will be for the better. Take caution in your financial life and keep an eye open for economic growth. 


Taurus, you will be particularly affected during the eclipse: You have been on edge for the past few months and it’s time for you to take a breather. Get out of your comfort zone and get ready to experience personal growth and change. Additionally, this might suggest letting go of a relationship that is simply not evolving the way it should be. 

GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20):

It’s time to slow down and reschedule, Gemini. The aftermath of this eclipse will have you experiencing some serious reality checks, so make a list of your wants and needs. Dedicate time to anything that will help you get out of your head and breathe. 


Cancer, there will be a surprising shift in your passions and romances. Set your boundaries and let go of any relationship or friendship that’s just not right for you, and let new people into your life. It is time to follow your heart and have your playful self guide you. 

LEO (JULY 23 – AUG. 22):

Leo, you will come face to face with deep personal change during the partial solar eclipse. Sudden opportunities will come and change the course of your professional life in a good way, procrastination has no space in your life during this period. Embrace change, go somewhere, and meet new people. It can be hard to adapt, but it will be for good. 

VIRGO (AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22):

Be wary of the seemingly trivial things in your life — they might have a huge impact. A different path than usual might bring new and big changes. But don’t be discouraged! Take this time to push yourself to explore new things. You will be tempted to analyze everything, but don’t let overthinking fool you.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22):

Big emotional change is coming your way, Libra. Don’t worry, though! Embrace your feelings by being honest with yourself. Also, stop running away from your problems and work on resolving them. Chances are, relieving yourself from some of them will lead to emotional growth. 

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 – NOV. 21):

It is your season, Scorpio, and after the eclipse you will find clarity in your life and relationships. During this time you may experience the beginning of a “new you” that will go along with unexpected journeys and opportunities. Don’t be afraid — change will allow you to grow and trust in the flow of things. 


It’s time to focus on yourself during this time — There will be awakenings and spiritual growth coming your way. You will have to work harder than usual in order to achieve your goals and there might be professional breakthroughs along the way, but make sure to let go of whatever is holding you back. You will achieve peace of mind by doing so. 

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 – JAN. 19):

You are hardworking as ever, Capricorn, but this eclipse will have you looking beyond your busy schedule. Take time to nurture your personal life and have fun. A new burst of new energy is to be embraced in your life. Don’t shy away from being playful.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18):

Aquarius, sacrifices may come your way, but it is all for the better. You will have to come to terms with your problems and solve them ASAP! It is the only way to move forward and fight for your dreams. 

PISCES (FEB. 19 – MARCH 20):

Pisces, your comfort zone will be completely challenged during this period. Keep your heart and mind open for this change of scene. There will be exciting opportunities ahead, so take in those new perspectives and broaden your horizons. 

Claudia S. Colon Rosa is the Chapter Leader and Editor-in-Chief at the Her Campus at UPR chapter. In addition to overseeing all chapter affairs, she manages the magazine’s editorial and contributes to it as a fellow writer, mainly crafting articles under wellness, life, and entertainment. Beyond Her Campus, Claudia has worked as assistant editor for the English department’s academic journal, Sargasso, where she managed the journal’s printing press and distribution. She has also written for Rebeldia and Tonguas magazine and was part of the Her Campus National Writer program where she published an array of articles. She is a graduate srtudent at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, majoring in English Literature. When she’s not writing an essay, Claudia loves to watch anime, read and exercise to dance parties on YouTube.