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These Queer Smut Stories Are Online & Free

Whether you’re looking for some new reading material or you just need a steamy pick-me-up, smutty books and stories alike are the perfect way to unwind (or wind up, your choice bestie!) and with summertime in full swing, it’s time to take advantage of those hot, restless nights. And what better way than with some free, online, queer smut?

I don’t know about you, but I’m very familiar with ye ‘ole Wattpad steamy fanfic, ever since online short stories started becoming popular. When I was in middle school, my friends and I all had Wattpad accounts, and the girlies were deep in One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer steamy fanfictions. Eventually, we grew out of the phase, but those feelings didn’t grow out of us. Now, we’re older, and even though some of us are in relationships and some of us are just dating (or, literally just doing our own thing; enter: me) sometimes, you just need to escape into a good, spicy story — especially when the internet offers a diverse range of them, including queer smut.

If you’re trying to save money and don’t want to spend as much buying books, have no fear, there is a rich variety of free reading online. And, more specifically, if you’re looking for a queer-centered smut story, the internet doesn’t disappoint with its diverse selection of LGBTQIA+ spicy reads. So, here are 10 free, online, queer smut stories that you need to check out ASAP.


Synchronised Motion on Wattpad

A story following two college students, Beau and Oliver; one despises the other, but the other one… not so much. 

A Girl’s Story on Nifty

With 29 parts (sit down and get comfy!) this spicy story is about two girls in a relationship who leave their high school small town and head off to college together. What better time to read a back-to-school-themed smut story?

A Good Woman on Nifty

Short and sweet, this story follows a woman and her supervisor, who instead of getting lunch together, spend their afternoon in the office.. IYKWIM. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Danielle’s Diary on Nifty

Straight from the diary of a trans woman named Danielle, this smutty story is juicy, detailed, and the perfect length to read after a long day of work or classes (or in between, I don’t judge).

Vice on LushStories

Steamy and full of drama: just how I like it. This short story starts off with a woman who gets physically involved with her best friend’s husband and the two of them get caught, until it turns into something else entirely. Just read it, trust me.

All American in Budapest on Literotica

A slower and longer story compared to the previous ones, this story follows an American lawyer who travels to Budapest for work and ends up having a time. If you are looking for a longer story to read online, definitely check this one out.

Reunion on Staten Island on Literotica

Written by the same author as All American in Budapest, this story is about two best friends from high school who reunite 10 years later (in more ways than one…okay, I’ll stop). I also had to include this one because any story based in New York is a story worth reading, IMO.

Annabel on Literotica

Set in Amsterdam in the 80s, this lesbian smut story is bound to have you captivated. If you’re in the mood for something a little more light-hearted, Annabel is a perfect option.

The Remains of Angelo on Nifty

This story is so well written and paced that I honestly think it’d do numbers on the shelf — but that’s beside the point. It’s about three bisexual individuals in a polyamorous relationship (one of them is also sick with terminal cancer) and it starts off in the back of a pizza parlor. Need I say more?

Unquenchable on LushStories

Best friends to lovers, that’s for sure. After a woman in her late 20s divorces her cheating husband, she goes out with her best friend, and boy, the night gets steamy. This story is short enough to read in one sitting, but long enough that you may need a snack — so get ready.

Alexis is a Wellness Writer for Her Campus and a recent graduate of Bowling Green State University. Her passions include graphic and digital design, her spirituality, content creation, trying new recipes, writing, and inspiring other women. She enjoys writing about womanhood, life as a 20-something, and relationships. She also has her own blog, her glow, that she started in 2021 and has been building ever since.