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It’s Tuesday and hopefully by now you know what that means! Our weekly Her Questions Twitter Chat is happening again. Please join us from 5-6 p.m. EST as we take over the Twitterverse. All you have to do it tweet to @HerCampus with hashtag #HerQuestions. You can ask questions on anything—life, beauty, college, work, summer, fashion, and obviously love. You’re also more than welcome to answer any questions that someone else asks during the chat (including our questions)! Let’s take over twitter, collegiettes!

As we get into the swing of this chat, we’re curious, does this time work well for you? If you feel that another time would work better please leave a comment below or feel free to tweet it to us. This chat is for you so we want to make sure the time works for you! We won’t be offended, pinky promise :). We would rather have as many of you be able to participate as possible!

Questions we <3 from our last chat:

“@HerCampus Life question: better to go back home with parents to help pay off loans (yikes) or stay at own place with roommie? ?#HerQuestions” –@rekaa24

‏”@HerCampus what are some hot weather essentials to keep cool and look great? ?#HerQuestions” –@HerCampusGWU
“@HerCampus ?#HerQuestions? Most truthful advice you guys have ever been told?” –@AnniePei

Participants we <3 from our last chat:

We want to thank @hersocialnetwrk for all of her helpful and lovely advice!

Furthermore, we want to thank @laurhaslett for her excitement in each of her questions and answers!

Will you make next week’s list? We hope so!

Tweet you later!

Shaye is a rising junior at the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she is pursuing a degree in Advertising and Marketing Communications. As an aspiring magazine editor she is doing everything and anything to learn as much as she can. After moving away from her hometown in Michigan she has fallen head over heels for a place that she never imagined being able to call home. She just wrapped up an internship at Seventeen in their features department, where she was able to sit next to several Her Campus advocates, and is so excited to finally be joining this team! She is in love with 11:11 wishes, iced coffee, and strolls in any park. You can follow her on twitter under the handle @clishaye where she is constantly tweeting about the fact that she still can’t believe that she is living her dreams!