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Need A Way Out Of An Awkward Date? Voodoo Ranger Is Here To Help (With A Beer, Too)

Dating in college can feel like walking through a minefield of terrible dates, and hookup war flashbacks, especially when you’re juggling new partners on top of your classes, friendships, and even personal growth. Recognizing early on what works and what doesn’t in a relationship can make a world of difference — and even with the best intentions, bad dates are inevitable. Maybe there are some red flags, or perhaps the chemistry just isn’t there. Whatever the case, knowing how to gracefully leave is key.

Let’s face it: from awkward dating app meetups to those relationship red flags we know all too well, dating just isn’t the same anymore. And if you feel like your date isn’t going as planned, even though you’re already in it, that’s perfectly OK. So, having an exit strategy out of an awkward date is more important than ever when it comes to modern dating. That’s where the Voodoo Ranger Bad Date Hotline comes in, your ultimate dating rescue. 

Whether you need a quick out from a cringe-worthy date or just want to escape to something better, the Voodoo Ranger Bad Date Hotline is here to help just by sending a text their way. Plus, if you’re 21+, you might even score a free brewski. College dating doesn’t have to be a nightmare — let Voodoo Ranger turn your bad date into a story worth laughing about with friends.

What is the Voodoo Ranger Bad Date Hotline?

Ever had to call or text your bestie to rescue you from a nightmare date? Same here, way more times than I’d like to admit. If you feel like you’re always bugging your go-to for a save, why not try something new? There’s a hotline for pretty much everything these days, so next time you’re stuck, hit up the Voodoo Ranger Bad Date Hotline for a clever escape plan.

If you’re fed up with your bad dates and absolutely ready to make your exit, text “BAD DATE” to 1-231-2-RANGER. You’ll get an instant “emergency” call with the perfect excuse to bail. Leave your date with the bill and make your getaway. Whether it’s your “roommate forgot their shower beer,” “sister’s pet rock is missing,” or “forgot to sing to your plants,” Voodoo Ranger has you covered. Take control of your night and have fun on your terms.

Being prepared and knowing when to walk away can save you a lot of heartache. And once you’ve made your exit, reward yourself. Voodoo Ranger offers a chance to receive $5 via CashApp, perfect for treating yourself to a Tall Boy after that terrible date sesh (if you’re 21+, OFC).

What is Voodoo Ranger?

The Voodoo Ranger company crafts the latest hop and malt varieties, served with a splash of humor. On their Tall Boys Only page, it’s the ultimate place to meet your dream can. No awkward small talk, no mixed signals, just pure IPA magic and a good time. According to their website, “every 19.2 seconds, someone discovers their perfect match.” So, what are you waiting for? And now, with the launch of the Bad Date Hotline, you can turn those awkward moments into epic tales. Whether you’re looking to share a laugh or just need a drink to drown out the cringe, they’ve got you covered.

With the Voodoo Ranger Bad Date Hotline, you can navigate the dating scene with a little more confidence and a lot more backup. Cheers to better dates (and some drinks) ahead.

Lily Brown

Emerson '25

Lily Brown is the Wellness Intern for Her Campus Media. She writes for the Culture, Style, and Wellness verticals on the site, including Beauty, Decor, Digital, Entertainment, Experiences, Fashion, Mental Health, and Sex + Relationships coverage. Beyond Her Campus, Lily is a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA, majoring in Journalism with a Publishing minor. She works as the Creative Director for the on-campus lifestyle publication, Your Magazine, where she establishes and curates the conceptual design and content for the entire publication ranging from style, romance, music, pop culture, personal identity, and college experiences. She has written and photographed for Your Mag along with several other on-campus magazines. Lily was recently recognized for her work on YM and awarded two EVVYs for Outstanding Print Publication. In her free time, Lily maybe spends a little too much time keeping a close eye on captivating red carpet and runway fashion, and binge-watching her favorite shows. She also enjoys expressing her thoughts through creative writing, exploring new destinations, and blasting Chappell Roan, Childish Gambino, Harry Styles, Sabrina Carpenter, and Sun Room on Spotify.