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Kaitlyn and Jane are two 21-year-old women who are in their last year of college. They’re single, meeting new dating app matches, and going out with potential suitors. And, when it comes to dating, these two have one big thing in common: a no-nonsense requirement that the man they are seeing has more than just a matching, navy blue comforter set. 

While it may seem silly to some, this stipulation is widely shared among most Gen Zers, especially in the golden age of Pinterest. Have you ever walked into a Hinge match’s apartment, only to find that their living space consists of a mattress on the floor, a 24-inch TV, and a single bottle of half-used cologne? If you haven’t, boy, am I jealous of you. Sometimes, it seems like a man’s idea of interior design is only what’s necessary: a bed, a TV, maybe a book or two (if that). 

But other times, I’ve walked into a guy’s apartment and been greeted with an abundance of pop-culture posters, White Barn candles, Urban Outfitters-esque rugs, sports memorabilia, and various knick-knacks — and even a bed frame! Instantly, I’ve been more inclined to find these types of men more attractive. But are they hot, or do they just have a headboard? 

Well, for starters, having a well-decorated (and clean!) apartment screams, “I’m passionate about my interests!” and can make us believe that they have their life together (even if they don’t). Also, there is something sexy about a guy who’s not afraid to take pride in his space and take the time to decorate it — toxic masculinity, who?

Kaitlyn agrees. “Anything that shows a sliver of personality in a guy’s apartment automatically makes him more attractive,” she says. “If he doesn’t have any decor, I’m scared… like who even are you?”  

Her bestie, Jane, thinks the same. “When a man has a well-decorated space, it tells me that he’s put together,” she says. “It also shows that he has a sense of style and is able to coordinate colors and decor.”

They’re not the only two that share this belief. Elle, 20, says, “Not only does it show that he’s passionate, but it also says a lot about his creativity: I feel like it gives a peek into his life, and that’s really important to me.” When a guy is confident enough to plaster his interests around his space, it shows he’s secure in himself and the things he enjoys. Not to mention, good decor is an automatic conversation-starter — especially if you share the same interests. 


realizing that my home is slowly turning into my adult playground 🏡🎡 cozy evening mood just vibing on my beanbag with a good playlist and new magazines :) #lamps #apartmentinspo #antibiglight #boyapartment #homedecor #roomdesign #apartmenttherapy #cozy #apartmentdecor #eveningmood

♬ Garden Kisses – Giveon

Emma, 22, agrees that men are automatically hotter if their apartment has a good setup. “Aside from the fact that a well-decorated space proves that a man has interests, I feel like it screams, ‘I have priorities.’ Also, it gives a vibe of cleanliness as well. If his home is decorated nicely, it automatically feels put-together. Which is hot.”

But, who are these interior design unicorns? Meet Cameron*, a single 25-year-old who, yes, has a nice apartment. And, yes, the girls totally love it (at least, that’s what he says.) “Most times, if a girl comes over and she’s seeing my apartment for the first time, I’ll get a compliment at some point,” he shares. “In my experience, I’ve had women be impressed by the interior design, and are even impressed by me having things like plants.” 

Cameron’s apartment — which is full of mid-century modern furniture, rugs, living (!) plants, books, and an impressive whisky collection — is a far cry from what most of us are used to when we think of a bachelor pad. And he knows it. “One woman specifically told me she was impressed because most single guys’ apartments are decorated like a college dorm or frat house,” he says “I think being able to show off your personality in decor goes a long way [in terms of dating].” 

Aaron*, a 23-year-old Gen Zer who enjoys pop culture and film, agrees, though his super well-decorated and artistic apartment wasn’t always that way. “I used to never care about what my apartment looked like,” he says. “I’m always working, so I felt like I didn’t spend enough time at home to actually invest in decorations.”

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Photo by Alexis French
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Photo by Alexis French

It wasn’t until Aaron had someone over after a date, and they pointed out how bare his apartment was, that he decided to put more effort into his space. “[They said that] I needed to put something up; a poster, lights, a plant… something,” he says. “After that, I started buying stuff I gravitated towards for my apartment, like figurines and posters of my favorite anime characters. I feel like now I’m more confident when I have people over, and they also get a little peek into my interests, too.”

While Gen Z women may find a nicely decorated apartment super hot, it shouldn’t be the only reason for a person to decorate their space. A 2022 study published in the National Library of Medicine found that having plants in your home can actually boost your mood and promote your mental health. Additionally, studies have shown that incorporating color and artwork into your home can positively impact your mood, productivity, and overall well-being. If you’re going to decorate your space, do it for you — though, getting a compliment (or a second date) is a plus.

The bottom line is — and this goes for anybody, not just men — when your space is decorated to your liking, it says a lot about who you are. Not only does it show that you care about your personal space, but it speaks volumes about your character, what you care about, and the things you prioritize. If your home reflects your personality, and if you have a headboard, you’re definitely more interesting than the average Joe-Shmoe — and that’s hot. (Oh, and Kaitlyn and Jane? Consider giving Cameron a call.)

*Names have been changed.

Alexis is a Wellness Writer for Her Campus and a recent graduate of Bowling Green State University. Her passions include graphic and digital design, her spirituality, content creation, trying new recipes, writing, and inspiring other women. She enjoys writing about womanhood, life as a 20-something, and relationships. She also has her own blog, her glow, that she started in 2021 and has been building ever since.