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Continue Your Winter Arc With These Winter Solstice Journal Prompts

On Dec. 21, 2024, the winter solstice will begin, marking the moment when Earth’s poles reach their maximum tilt away from the sun. As the days grow colder, it’s easy to find ourselves in an emotional rut, as the lack of sun can especially impact our general well-being. However, the winter solstice is also a time for renewal and hope, as not everything is all doom and gloom. To get ready for this shift, I’ve got some winter solstice journal prompts to help you transition into the next season!

With the winter solstice being representative of waking from a deep slumber, especially since the days begin to grow longer, this is a time when one can focus on individual growth by reflecting on the positive aspects in our lives that outshine the darker ones. It’s time to embrace new beginnings, and doing so by writing out our thoughts is a great way to look inward and ask ourselves how we enable great change within us. 

If you’re not quite sure where to start when it comes to journaling, there’s no need to fret — I’ve got you covered. These winter solstice journaling prompts are here to help you frame your thoughts and get started.

Who do you want to become?

A very loaded question indeed. Reflecting on the kind of person you want to be — and the ways in which you’ll become this new, redefined version of yourself — is a great way to hone in on what your values, goals, and aspirations are in time for the winter solstice. 

What do you wish to let go of?

This can be about a bad habit, a person, or even a specific emotion. The winter solstice marks a time for embracing change, and letting go of the things that weigh you down is an integral part of this transition. Reflect on the things that don’t serve you, then begin to move on. 

Pick 3 words to describe what you want your new year to look like.

This is a great way to give shape to the goals you want to set for yourself with this new season. When you offer up your three words, feel free to dive deep and explain why these concepts are important to you, and how you’ll go about achieving them. 

Reflect on the past: what things do you want to maintain and nurture?

While we want to look forward, it doesn’t hurt to dwell a little longer in the past, especially when it comes to focusing on the things that allowed you to thrive. What are some things that you want to keep with you moving forward? How can you further enhance these things so that your potential continues to grow? 

What are some things you are struggling with?

Much like the harshness that winter brings, take a moment to reflect on what you’re currently struggling with and how it’s impacted you mentally, emotionally, and even physically. How have these challenges shaped you as a person? How can you confront these issues and begin healing? Writing out how you feel about these struggles is a great way to release some of the tension that’s been holding you back. 

Write a letter to your future self.

Fitting for this upcoming winter solstice, writing a letter to yourself is always a sweet sentiment. You can essentially write about anything or even outline who you hope to become. This prompt allows you the freedom to explore yourself on a deeper, intimate level.

Overall, the winter solstice is a time for renewal, hope, and change, and hopefully, with these journal prompts, you’re able to connect better with yourself. 

Sofia is a third-year Writing & Literature major at UCSB. In her free time, she enjoys watching anime, playing video games, and drinking chai tea.